Monday, September 20, 2010

Another Weekend in Maine

Here I am with daddy out on our pontoon boat.... gosh, I just LOVE the wind in my hair!!!

Lacie and her mom and dad came up for the weekend too... Silly girl, she thinks she is a lap dog, but her dad (Uncle Ken) doesn't seem to mind.

Having fun on the boat is tiring. I took the opportunity here to get out of the sun for a little nap time.

Did I mention how much I love the feeling of the wind in my hair...

Here I am in action, Lacie barely saw me coming.

It was a fun day, we were all a bit tired after. Lacie and I did play into the night though, this was just a little break for some quality time with Uncle Ken.

Lacie tried to steal my Frisbee, like I was going to let that happen. I think not. She may be bigger than me but I'm not afraid of her, well not anymore anyway....

OK, so this is me the day after the weekend... Lucky I'm a dog and I got to sleep ALL DAY!! Boy, what a fun weekend...

1 comment:

  1. It is so funny how these magnificent pups turn grown men into MUSH!!! I LOVE TO SEE THIS!!
    Miss Maisy
    Lord Argyle and
    there human
